The Ghana Passport
Presently, a Ghanaian passport is the only reliable and universally accepted travel and identification document for Ghanaians who travel abroad. Issued to Ghanaian citizens only, a Ghanaian passport reflects the identity of the applicant as determined by documentary evidence of citizenship and documents to support identity.
Ghanaian citizenship may be acquired by birth, marriage, naturalisation, registration, adoption or by any enactment. Documentary evidence must be provided in support of any such claim.

- Four (4) recent 45mm x 35mm passport size photographs.
- Proof of Ghanaian citizenship (originals only).
- Documents to support Identity (originals only) such as School Certificate, Driver's License, Employment/Student / Other I.D. Cards.
- Processing fee
- All supporting documents must be submitted in original as well as photocopies of the original documents, the latter will be returned to the applicants.
- An application for a passport renewal may be submitted six (6) months to the date of expiry. An application for a new passport may also be submitted when the pages of current passport are all endorsed with visas/stamps.
- Adult applicants applying for a passport for the first time (that is, adults applicants applying with a birth certificate only) must submit copies of their Ghanaian Identities, for example, voter’s identification card, Ghana driver’s license and Ghana National Identification Card.
- An application for a new passport for a child born in Qatar must be supported by a birth certificate and photocopies of parents' documents, including their passports and resident permits.
- All applicants above the age of Fourteen (14) must submit their passport applications in person.
Replacement of Lost/Stolen Passport
- Completed Application Form
- Copy of your photo ID
- Police Report
- Copy of computer-generated Birth Certificate/Copy of missing passport bio page if available.
- Completed statutory and Notarized Declaration forms.
- Four (4) most recent Passport size photographs with white background.
- Payment of QR. 474.00 (Qatari Riyals).
Passport Renewal and Acquisition Fees
Service | Fee (QR) |
Passport Acquisition | 474.00 |
Passport Replacement | 474.00 |
Passport Renewal | 474.00 |
Emergency Travel Certificate | 200.00 |
Authentication / Attestation & Legalisation | 200.00 |
Note: Clients who wish to acquire a 48-page Passport of 10-year duration shall be expected to pay QR 730.
- It is an offense under section 15 of the Passport and Travel Certificate Decree (NLCD155, 1967) of the Republic of Ghana for applicants, guarantors and witnesses to make false statements for the purposes of procuring a passport.
- Where it is not possible to prosecute such persons in a criminal court by virtue of residing outside Ghana, such persons shall be disqualified from holding or acquiring a Ghana passport; and any passport already issued to them shall be withdrawn and confiscated. They may also be arrested and duly prosecuted under Ghana law anytime they enter Ghana.